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Morgan Multimedia
e-mail : Guillaume de Bailliencourt

What is JPEG2000 ?
JPEG2000 is the new international standard for image compression method and file format. This is the successor of the well-known traditional JPEG written by the ISO group Joint Photographic Experts Group.
Contrary to the technology JPEG which used DCT functions, JPEG2000 technology is based on an mathematical algorithm called wavelets to compress image that provides high compression with image quality superior to all existing standard encoding techniques even at low bit rates.
That’s the reason why JPEG2000 has a number of advantages over the JPEG Format.

JPEG2000 Advantages vs. JPEG ?
- Higher compression without compromising quality.
- Progressive image reconstruction which allows to see full image even during the transmission process.
- Define Region of interest that allows to define some important areas to be compressed at a higher quality than other one.
- Lossy and lossless compression: have the choice of loosing quality but having little files or preserve all the quality but still saving a lot of space.
- Error resilience functionality for noisy channels allows the transmission of JPEG 2000 images in mobile applications.
- No artifact with very high compression.
- The JP2 file format (.jp2) is XML based metadata.
- Easier random access to code stream for reorganization of data while transmission process.

JPEG2000 Application domains ?
JPEG2000 is the new image encoding standard that provides essential features to many emerging imaging applications. Its features make JPEG2000 an excellent solution for :
- Internet video and imaging and zoom image applications
- Mobile applications such as mobile phone or PDA.
- CD-Rom video distribution
- Distance learning
- Videoconferencing
- Video capture systems
- Surveillance and secure systems
- Medical imaging
- Scanners
- Digital Cameras and photography
- Satellite imagery
- Document and image storage
- Digital Cinema
- Digital long term preservation